Det var en torsdag aften.
Koi No Yokan (Japanese): Koi No Yokan is a truly beautiful concept. It can defined the sense can have upon first meeting another person that the two of them are going to fall in love. In other words, it is the knowledge one has that he/she is going to fall in love with another person. This differs from the idea “love at first sight” in that it does not imply that the feeling of love exists, rather it refers to the knowledge that a future love is inevitable.
Smukt! Var lige ved at være “Lost In Translation”…. ;-)
Og nu har vi måske en ny kandidat til hvad der bliver sagt i afslutningsscenen :-)
Og de små skyer omkring følger med….
Åh ja det er selvfølgelig DET de siger – oplagt og rigtigt.
Japanerne har nogle skønne ord – jeg får lyst til at lære Japansk:
Wabi-sabi (Japanese): Wabi sabi is the Japanese word for “a flawed part of an elegant whole.” It refers to the idea of finding perfection or beauty within life’s imperfections and recognizing that they are a part of something larger.
Fantastisk! Jeg tager derover og tjekker det ud næste år!